So Shelby finally got to come home on Thursday afternoon. She had to stay an extra day because she wasn't eating or drinking and they were afraid of dehydration.

There is one thing that I think everyone needs to be aware of, Shelby is not as miserable as she looks in the pictures. Her jaw is banded tightly shut and she hasn't regained the feelin in her cheeks and lips. She can't smile or show emotion because her face is basically frozen. She will regain the feeling in her face in about a week to 10 days.

So this is how Shelby has to eat, if you can call it that. She has a bag with tubing attached to it. We put food in the bag, whe puts the tubing in between her cheek and teeth and squeezes the contents of the bag into her throat and then attempts to swallow. It's not the funnest or most appetizing way to eat but she says she doesn't regreat it at all. Just wants to be back to normal .
Wow, hope she's doing okay. Spirits still high? Down days sometimes? She's such a trooper. Hope the surgeon tells you good things at the checkup!
She is already looking better. She looks a lot more like Chelsea in these pics! How funny.
Hope things are getting better and things are healing. Let us know if we can do anything to help!
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