So yesterday, the 3rd of February, we got up at 4:30 and got ready to be at the hospital by 6 am for Shelby's double jaw surgery. She was sooo excited, but afraid of what was to be. Her surgeon is Dr Hicks of Idaho Falls. He is the best of the best. This surgery was 6 hours long and very intense. He had to bread her lower jaw and remove some of the bone to shorten it, then break her top jaw and put implants in to lengthen it. There was also such a bone deficit above her upper lip that he had to fill it in with bone putty. Come to find out her jaws also needed to be rotated left on the top and right on the bottom because they were not centered. Here is a picture of her before the surgery.

The next 4 pictures are just about an hour after the surgery. Look at the difference in the length of her chin and how her upper lip is filled in. Her lips were soooo swollen but they will go down.

This is today after he took out the drainage tubes out of her cheeks. She did not like that at all.

This is after the NG tube was pulled out of her nose. She was very glad to get that out. It was really hurting her throat. They had to leave it in place until her stomach started to wake up from the anesthesia. It took getting up and walking around (much to her chagrin) to get it awake and growling.

This is today after he took out the drainage tubes out of her cheeks. She did not like that at all.

This is after the NG tube was pulled out of her nose. She was very glad to get that out. It was really hurting her throat. They had to leave it in place until her stomach started to wake up from the anesthesia. It took getting up and walking around (much to her chagrin) to get it awake and growling.

I just took these of her sleeping with her little pink monkey I got for her. I remember when she had her heart surgery, Trent got her a little pink, fuzzy platypus and I wanted to get her something soft and cuddly for this one. She is really swollen but taking it all like a champ. Stay tuned for more updates and pics.
Wow, what a trooper! She already looks better in the pictures at the end. I hope her recovery goes well and quickly! I"ll keep you guys in my prayers.
Oh my heck! That does not look like fun! My heart goes out!
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