I sat down tonight to sew my Wyoming state patches on my shirt. I started to think about the journey me and my family have made over the past several years to get here. It all started almost 8 years ago when I decided to go back to school. I knew I wanted to go into the medical profession but which field? Emergency medicine seemed a great fit so I started taking all the Pre requisites for that, one class at a time. Anat and Phys, Microbiology, Chemistry, Math etc....then it was time to start the process. Firefighting was the first certification I got. Now that was a lot of fun.

Then came the EMT basic course. That 's what I was going to be for awhile until McKadee was in kindergarten. That plan soon evolved into the Paramedic Program because they had openings that they couldn't fill and needed people now. The instructors told me to go home and have a powwow with my family and tell them they wouldn't have a mom or wife for a year. We talked and struggled over the decision and finally decided we could do anything for a year. Haha it was more like 18 plus months and still going. But we made it all working together.

During the Paramedic Program I went to work for Rexburg-Madison County fire and ambulance. I learned a great deal there and made a little money too.

Finally the coveted gold patch. We all celebrated the day this came in the mail. We had made it thru the worst part. One year of classes from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Nights of homework and clinicals and ride alongs. Then 2 months of an internship in Great Falls MT with no mom. What an awesome family :)

So now here we are almost 2 years later in Cheyenne Wyoming working for and ambulance company AMR as a paramedic. I couldn't have done it without the love and support of an awesome family. I love my job and the care I can give those that are hurt or ill. What a ride.....onward and upward :)
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