We have never had a whole lot of money. We don't have 4 wheelers or snowmachines or motorcycles or a camp trailer or boat. I was coming home from the grocery store on Labor Day weekend feeling kinda sorry for us as I watched the 5th wheel trailers, the motorhomes, the trailers full of 4 wheelers and boats go by. I decided to go out and buy us a tent!! So I turned back and went to Wal Mart and bought us a family sized tent. I told the kids over dinner that I had a surprise for them later. So after dinner I went out and started to set up the tent. I have never set a tent up before and it was a much bigger project than I was up for. I finally conceded that I needed alot more help than my self and went in and got Lynn and the kids. They were flabbergasted. "you bought a tent!!" "Are you going to sleep in it with us?!" They honestly thought their mom had lost her mind. After a little frustration we finally got the tent standing and everything in order. Then we built a fire in our little fire pit and had s'mores. When it was time for bed we blew up all the air mattresses and laid them all out on the floor and covered them with sleeping bags and blankets. We settled in for the night and about 3 in the morning a huge thunder storm rolled in. It was so much fun laying there watching the flash then hearing the boom and listening to the rain fall on the tent. Micah and Kadee slept thru it but Chelsea and I listened and loved it. We got up the next morning and had frenchtoast for breakfast and the kids just kept saying over and over, "That was the funnest night ever. That was the best idea ever mom" Just goes to show that it doesn't take alot of expensive toys to make a family memory. I do believe that my kids will remember the night in the tent as one of their favorite memories. It was worth it 100%!

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