Chuck, the fire inspector for our department is giving me instructions on how to "pencil" the hose and knock the flames back of of the top of us. I'm the one in the red helmet.

Now I'm "penciling the hose at the flame.

I love this photo. I think it's my favorite one that Lynn took. This is Craig, one of the fire interns.

At this point we are just letting it burn. The playing is over.

This is the window we were all sitting in. The entire side of the building is now involved. The plastic on thee wrought iron railing is now melting off.

Almost gone!!!

The power lines and trees got so hot that we had to put some guys over by them to squirt water and cool them all off.

I'm the second one from the front of the hose. We decided to make one more trip in and see how far we could go.