Sunday, March 29, 2009

So this is a beautiful Spring day in Southeastern Idaho. The wind is blowing 28 mph sustained and 43 mph gusts and it's snowing like crazy. The blob on the radar is huge and doesn't look like it's going to be letting up any time soon. The poor cows and horses are all trying to huddle in the straw barrier that they made for them today, but there are too many of them to fit in such a small shelter and they ran out of straw bales.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Home from Great Falls

So I'm home from Great Falls. Very mixed emotions. I loved it there and the people that I worked with everyday for almost 2 months. Great Falls is a wonderful place with very interesting people. I missed my Hubby and my kids soooo much but if I had my way we would move the family there and then I could have my cake and eat it too. Lynn would be swamped with work up there because they have no childrens' mental health specialists or therapists. We had to take all of our children's mental health cases, by ambulance, to Helena, and hour and a half away.

These pics Jess and I took of each other the day before I left. We are sitting in the jump chair in one of the ambulances. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to go up to Great Falls with. Jess is the most awesome young lady and such an inspiration to me.

Here are some pics of the crews that I worked with. I can't say I had a favorite crew because they are all so awesome to work with and for. This top pic is of Amanda and Garrett Cameron. They are husband and wife medics and are some of the best that the ambulance service has.

The group pic at the top is the Saturday crew. This was a fun day to work, very relaxed and busy at the same time. The one on the right is the Tue Thurs Crew. Cami, standing by me, and Justin kneeling in front are both BYUI students like me that are 2 classes ahead of me that went up there for their internships and stayed on to work for them. They are very awesome medics also. My supervisor, Justin Grohs, is on the very far left, standing by Roger in the flourescent coat. He is an amazing leader and supervisor. He is a very busy guy running the ambulance department.

For some reason I can't find the pics of the Monday and Wednesday crew. I do have this pic of Ron the Shift Supervisor. He was a great medic and I enjoyed the Mon Wed crew a ton. It makes me sad I don't have their picture. I am going to go up and work some part time shifts for them. I can't stay away. Great Falls got into my heart and I can't seem to let it go.