Have you ever seen anyone this excited over Countrytime Strawberry Lemonade!!
So one day I was in the bathroom getting ready and Kadee comes in and starts putting rubberbands on her arms. When I asked her what she was doing, she told me she was getting muscles. She then went in to wrestle with her daddy. (This is a favorite pasttime for these two) She stood up on the chair and flexed her muscles and said, "I have muscles, OH YEAH!!" Lynn and I almost laughed to tears. She then jumped off the chair and tackled daddy.
So one day I was in the bathroom getting ready and Kadee comes in and starts putting rubberbands on her arms. When I asked her what she was doing, she told me she was getting muscles. She then went in to wrestle with her daddy. (This is a favorite pasttime for these two) She stood up on the chair and flexed her muscles and said, "I have muscles, OH YEAH!!" Lynn and I almost laughed to tears. She then jumped off the chair and tackled daddy.