On the 21st of May, Shelby Brooke Olsen graduated from Madison High School. It was a very emotional time for this mommy. I began to go back over Shelby's life and the miracle that she was and is. When she was born, a valve that was supposed to shut at birth didn't, and she had to have heart surgery down at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City when she was 3 months old. That was a very trying time for me to hand this precious baby girl over to the surgical team. Shelby was a dream come true for her mommy because I had 7 brothers and then I had 2 boys before her. (Not that boys aren't wonderful) but I really wanted a baby girl and my wish had finally come true and now, was I going to lose her. She came through the surgery like a trooper, even went home 4 days earlier than they told me. She has been a fighter her whole life because of one health issue or another. Just 3 months ago she had double jaw surgery and we have been working on that jaw and her mouth since she was 6 years old. Shelby has always been a happy little girl with a positive attitude even in all her pain and suffering she has endured over the past 18 years. Love this girl sooooo much!!!

For Shelby's graduation 5 of her 7 uncles, 2 aunts and her grandma and grandpa Feltner came all the way from Souther Utah to support her. Since we had everyone here, we decided it would be fun to ordain Micah to a Deacon instead of wait til Sunday when everyone would be gone. It was a special day for both the kids and having so much family made it even more fun!

Nick, Shelby, Chelsea, Micah, and McKadee. All we are missing is big brother Christopher. He was missed and there was a big empty hole where he should have been.

Tari and Trent

Tanya and Shelby

Grandpa, Trent, & Tracy

Grandpa, Todd, & Tracy

"MOM This stinking hat looks gay!!!"


Patiently waiting to march in. Then.....It's time!!

Going up to receive her diploma YAY!!!