Thursday, May 28, 2009

A 12th Birthday, a Graduation and an Ordination

On the 21st of May, Shelby Brooke Olsen graduated from Madison High School. It was a very emotional time for this mommy. I began to go back over Shelby's life and the miracle that she was and is. When she was born, a valve that was supposed to shut at birth didn't, and she had to have heart surgery down at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City when she was 3 months old. That was a very trying time for me to hand this precious baby girl over to the surgical team. Shelby was a dream come true for her mommy because I had 7 brothers and then I had 2 boys before her. (Not that boys aren't wonderful) but I really wanted a baby girl and my wish had finally come true and now, was I going to lose her. She came through the surgery like a trooper, even went home 4 days earlier than they told me. She has been a fighter her whole life because of one health issue or another. Just 3 months ago she had double jaw surgery and we have been working on that jaw and her mouth since she was 6 years old. Shelby has always been a happy little girl with a positive attitude even in all her pain and suffering she has endured over the past 18 years. Love this girl sooooo much!!!

For Shelby's graduation 5 of her 7 uncles, 2 aunts and her grandma and grandpa Feltner came all the way from Souther Utah to support her. Since we had everyone here, we decided it would be fun to ordain Micah to a Deacon instead of wait til Sunday when everyone would be gone. It was a special day for both the kids and having so much family made it even more fun!

The beautiful graduate!

Nick, Shelby, Chelsea, Micah, and McKadee. All we are missing is big brother Christopher. He was missed and there was a big empty hole where he should have been.

Tari and Trent

Tanya and Shelby

Grandpa, Trent, & Tracy

Grandpa, Todd, & Tracy

"MOM This stinking hat looks gay!!!"

Patiently waiting to march in. Then.....It's time!!

Going up to receive her diploma YAY!!!

Now for the turning of the tassel. It's official, I am a graduate, now I'm smart and stuff :)

This is our wonderful principal, Mr Hampton. Almost every kid that shook his hand also put a tie somewhere on his person. Can you just imagine how HOT he is?! What a trooper!!!!

YAY!!! It's over now we can go home!! This is Grandma Mamie and behind her Tim, Todd, Trent and Grandpa.

Micah turned 12 on the 19th of May. It was a very crazy day because of conflicts with baseball and other things that cause problems. He wanted a cell phone and a Dairy Queen icecream cake so I got him a Tracphone with pay as you go minutes.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's day at the Greenbelt

For Mother's Day this year I wanted to do things a little different so I decided to take the fam and go for a picnic on the Greenbelt. We had a ball rollerblading, bike riding, feeding the geese, and eating a yummy picnic.

I found this island in the middle of the river with a waterfall running thru the middle of it. I sat and looked at that island out there with no people, no kids, no phones or worries and felt myself longing to be there. If there was a way to get there without drowning I would do it in a heartbeat. Just for a moment or two of peace and meditation.

So after our picnic, Chelsea looks up in the tree and starts to laugh at this funny little squirrel that was all stretched out in the sun on his branch. We got quite a chuckle out of him.
So I find this tree that is so fun for picture taking and stuck Kadee up in the notch between the branches. She lays down on the branch and says, "I'm a squirrel, all scrunched up" We started to laugh until we cried. She was trying to be the squirrel that we said was "All stretched out" and instead she was all scrunched up :D

So Jackson wants this chocolate doughnut and OH did he have a fun time with it.

Nick and Jenn came with us and made it all that more fun! Aren't they just the cutest? ;)

Lynn, our official photographer, wanted to take pics of Micah and Chelsea jumping out of this tree so he laid down on the grass and shot as they jumped.

All the girls did a group hug and Kadee goes, "Now we're all squirrels." Another laugh so hard you cry moment :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Shelby's Prom

My beautiful Shelby had her Senior Prom this last weekend. She doesn't like this one of her close up, but I think it's gorgeous. Her date was Caleb and his jaw dropped right to the floor when she walked down the stairs to greet him. She graduates on the 21st of this month and I'm really not ready to let her go.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Look how big I am!!

So Miss McKadee turned 3 on the 28th of April and Mom just got around to seeing how big she is. I have a feeling she is going to be really tall. She is 31 lbs. She is 39 1/2 inches tall. She can sing her ABC's, knows most of them by sight and tells you what starts with each letter. She knows her colors and counts to 13. She can tell you the difference between a penny, dime, nickel, and quarter. She is sooooo sassy and full of spunk. Sometimes it gets her into alot of trouble. She loves to play with her animals the most. Her new favorite is her chihuahua, which she pronounces chew wow wow, not wah but wow. We almost died laughing at that one. She is very polite when she wants to be and then as the lady in the store who got in her way found out- "You watch where you're going!" she can be very naughty. I was MORTIFIED!! We apologized and told her the polite way to get around someone who had the right of way in the first place. She does and says things that a 3 year old shouldn't be doing and saying. I think it comes from growing up with older children and adults. Some good, some bad. She is the Queen of the house in the Scott/Olsen household.

One of her most favorite things is singing and dancing. She is so full of joy and energy. I bought her this mike and a CD player for her birthday and she is in 7th heaven. She even sings on tune and dances with the beat. What a kid :)