It has been a very busy, crazy time in our lives. Lynn just changed jobs, after 12 years with the State of Idaho, he now is a supervisor for a PSR company in Rigby and loves the change of pace and the new people that he works with, it has been a very good thing for him. I will be finished with the class part of the Paramedic program on the 10th of December. I then leave for Great Falls MT. for 2 months for an internship, (I still don't know how I'm going to leave my family for that long) on the 15th of December. We will all be sooooo happy when mom is finally done and life can go back to semi normal, whatever normal is:).

Chris, Jordan and Teagen are back from Florida YEAH!! Chris is working for Taylor Cheverolet here in Rexburg as a salesman. In the first week and a half he was there he was the top salesman they have, Go figure. Jordan is a stay at home mommy with Teagen who just turned one a week ago.

Nick just returned home from Florida YEAH!! where he was working as an installer for APX alarm company. He now is working for a window and door installation shop here in Rexburg. He turns 20 on the 29th of this month and I can hardly believe how fast the time flies by, you blink and they are grown up:(

Shelby is a very busy senior, who was just made shift manager at Subway. She is a hard worker and is the manager over college students and people much older than her. We have set her jaw surgery for February 3rd and she is very excited but scared. It will be a very trying time for us all.

Chelsea just had a birthday and has now entered teenagerdom. She is, for the most part, a very pleasant teenager, and loves her 7th grade teacher Mr. Mitchell. Most of her time is spent watching McKadee for mom, which she will be very glad to be done with:)

Micah just started the second trimester in the 6th grade. He is doing very well in school and has some awesome teachers and friends. He is looking forward to playing basketball in January and loves to play his Nintendo DS.

McKadee is 21/2 and full of energy and mischief! She is so smart she scares me sometimes. She knows most of her ABC's by sight, counts to 12, knows her colors and shapes. Most of her conversations sound like she is an adult thanks to growing up with alot of older people in the house.